After much time the club has finally sought and agreed consent from Wakefield Sports Club, it’s board of directors, a sub committee and indeed our own committee, put out to tender, debated and amended and agreed a bid from a contractor.

What this means is that circa the 16th of April we’re likely to experience disruption to the power supply, door fob system and ranges during business hours – for us that’s likely to mean 0830-1730 Monday to Friday.

We have agreed with the contractors that during those hours, we will avoid the use of the ranges and that they in turn will leave the ranges in a usable state outside those hours. For those of us who shoot after work for example we should see very minimal disruption. Those of us who shoot during the day, please do bear this in mind and do try to avoid the ranges. If you do intend to shoot during the day – please understand that the building works must come first and you may not be able to get on.

There is a significant amount of electrical work going on that will affect all three of our existing ranges so this applies equally for the duration of the works. It is anticipated that the work will be completed by June – this may slip as we uncover further issues that have been buried for decades! There is a possibility that a range may not be in a usable state after the day – the builders will give us as much notice as possible. We’ll put updates on the club website – have a look before you travel to avoid disappointment

When we have further details of exact start dates and further info to share then we’ll send them out – this mail serves to try and give as much notice as we possibly can to warn of disruption.